Seven hundred thirty-eight logistics department is not great, but the Yang Long colonel as a substantive officers oakley sunglasses discount work is still very heavy. Road; fat do not know death is to ensure that the job done, and never live up to the general high hopes. Minnie formulaic Road; Yang Long Colonel, cheap oakley sunglasses first and several colleagues to become familiar with work! If you do not know where, and then come to the cheap oakley sunglasses. Fat heavy a military salute. Few women will be fans five fans three spirit summit down the dead fat all the way, pull dragged the seven hundred thirty-eight logistics department of internal training ground, devastated torture fat action to kick off the tent curtain. Seven hundred thirty-eight logistics department is divided into six areas, including - Logistics Machinery Maintenance Area, the motorized troops Gifted District, the logistics department Commodities Control District, strategies and tactics intended area, specialized weapons experimental field, internal fighting zone. As the senior officers of the backbone of a logistics department the fat Yanglong surrounded by a group of beauty, followed by the military regions visited by a dozen female soldiers are carefully modulated backup mechanical mechanical maintenance area, motor of Force Tactical Training area, a pair of female wearing high-warfare maneuver Ministry of clothes being fast Gongsha the packet Battle.
Strategies and tactics intended area is the area of logistics strategy training officer, is mainly the battlefield tactics deduction and formulation.oakley sunglasses sale, In six major areas, the first four districts are relatively boring single addition to a sparsely dressed beautiful, and nothing much to look at, but specialized weapons experimental field, and internal fighting zone, but no doubt is the logistics department of the most heavily , also is one of the most elite combat simulation area. Field of specialization weapons experiments, the real field of regional development and open a new Hi-Tech weapons, various Hi-Tech weapons, high explosive shells to see people get confused, horror of mass destruction, it is shocking. However, if the theory attractive terms of fat, undoubtedly in internal fighting zone for Jiao Chu. A only short trousers, small the undershirt Jiaoqiao lovely female who sweat another tear, pull each other tear down that the buns provocative, the tender flower xueji Yuji, see people simply excited , Beast Heart excitement.
This nasty guy. See fat ugly and, several beautiful despicable She better chuckled. Colonel Martha readily pushed open the door of a fully enclosed metal not cold and not short; Special Operations Wing perform total length is seven hundred thirty-eight logistics department's top priority, it can be said, the logistics department of all related tasks have the right to intervene, the have great rights duties, in the past has always been personally served by the highest official Defense Minister Major General Minnie. Colonel Yang Long early to the logistics department, they won such a high level, I can see, Major General Colonel hopes high! Fat thick-skinned impressed by another person, the one side by the crotch and pulled out a roll of toilet paper wiping nosebleed side without any sense of shame Road; Where, where, are Maj. Gen. eye for talent, in order to pick out oakley sunglasses cheap such block of jade, in fact, even there are still shortcomings, still has not found it.